Hastelloy X
There are several types of improved alloys named Hastelloy that have corrosion resistance to sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid and fluoride ions. In general, it has good processability and weldability and is processed into various shapes, so it is also used in the chemical industry. Hastelloy X is a heat-resistant alloy with excellent oxidation resistance.
Type Analysis
Hastelloy X is particularly recommended for furnace applications because of its unusual resistance to oxidizing, reducing and neutral atmospheres. Rolls made from this alloy were still in good condition after 8,700 hours of operation at 2150°F (1177°C).
Alloy X also performed well in jet engine tailpipes, afterburner components, cabin heaters and other aircraft components.
Oxidation Resistance
Hastelloy X is a nickel alloy with excellent strength and oxidation resistance up to 2200°F. It has also been found to be exceptionally resistant to stress-corrosion cracking in the petrochemical sector. It has excellent forming and welding properties.
Hastelloy X can be forged and cold workable due to its good ductility. It can be welded by manual and automatic welding methods including shielded metal-arc (coated electrode), gaseous tungsten-arc (TIG), and gaseous metal-arc (MIG). Alloy X can also be resistance welded.
Low cutting speeds, robust tools and workpieces, heavy machinery, sufficient coolant and positive power are general recommendations.